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Friday, February 22, 2013

Red Velvet Frozen Yogurt

I was racking my brain as to what to make this week. I didn't want to make anything too close to what the other Sarah was making. I've been having a craving for frozen yogurt and noticed there aren't any recipes for red velvet frozen yogurt!

I've never made frozen yogurt before so I researched around for how others made other flavors of frozen yogurt and I put together the best recipe I could think of.

Since I had no clue how my "made up" recipe would turn out I made it two different ways, figuring one would HAVE to turn out. They both did!

The first recipe is my favorite! It tastes just like red velvet cake batter!!

What you need:
3- 6 oz containers of yogurt (1 1/4 c.) I used non fat vanilla but you could explore with others
1 1/2 cups of nonfat milk
1 cup red velvet cake mix
1/4 cup sugar ( I used the equivalent of Splenda)

Mix all ingredients together well and put in the freezer! Mine was about soft serve consistency after a few hours and by morning was hard. I'm sure it would work great if you used an ice cream maker as well, but a freezer works just fine!

This next recipe tastes good still, but tastes more like just yogurt but frozen not as much like the "treat" I was expecting.

All you need is:
2 containers of red velvet yogurt
1/8 cup sugar or Splenda equivalent
1/4 cup nonfat milk

Mix together and freeze! So simple and actually a very healthy treat. I was thinking if I added some cocoa powder and a little more Splenda it might taste more "treat-like". There's always next time! Enjoy!

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